ავტორიზაცია რეგისტრაცია

Programme 7+

Programme 7+

Georgian Down Syndrome Association with the support of the European Foundation has presented a new programme "7+", which involves the introduction of methodological approaches to the development of children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities in Georgia. The program "7+" aims to promote the development of adolescents with Down Syndrome (7 to 18 years), education and establishing a worthy, equal member in society. The project methodology is developed based on modern approaches and international best practices.

Currently, the project is being piloted and is training both people with disabilities and young professionals/specialists. The project includes both practical and theoretical training. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has posed great challenges to the education system. Experience has shown that online learning can not replace real learning process.

"7+" program has developed an open space teaching format during the pandemic and is still successfully following this format.  Specialists have selected parks and open spaces in Tbilisi, where there is no crowds and the risk of infection is minimized.  Except for particularly cold and windy weather, virtually none of the lessons were canceled. The children cheerfully met  this initiative and happily engaged with the specialists in the various activities selected for them.

Working in such a mode requires special efforts of specialists, but the result is undoubtedly justified. And most importantly - in the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic, by following all the recommended rules, children have the opportunity to maintain real relationships in the real space, receive continuous service and improve the skills that are important and necessary for them.